Strength: 5 x 5 back squat 50% -deload week!
Teams of 2: 18 minutes (3 minutes each station)
1. Deadlift 115/25
2. Wallballs 14/20
3. Rope climbs
4. Abmat sit ups with medball toss
5. Hand release push ups
6. Russian KB swings 53/70
Strength: 5 x 5 back squat 50% -deload week!
Teams of 2: 18 minutes (3 minutes each station)
1. Deadlift 115/25
2. Wallballs 14/20
3. Rope climbs
4. Abmat sit ups with medball toss
5. Hand release push ups
6. Russian KB swings 53/70
CrossFit One World – CrossFit Rope Climb (10 Min Novice-Rope Climb Practice Moderate- E2MOM 1 Rope Climb Advance- EMOM 1 Rope Climbs) Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 10 Min AMRAP 5 Pull ups 10 Push Up 15 Air Squat Rest/ Transition 60 Seconds Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 10 Min AMRAP 5 Power…
CrossFit One World – CrossFit Back Rack Reverse Lunges (12 Min E2MOM 6 Rep Back Rack Reverse Lunges (3-Left 3-Right) 3 Rep Tempo Back Squat (5 Second Count Descent, Rapid drive up) @ 60% 1 RM Back Squat) Back Rack Reverse Lunges: Control Descending leg, prevent from crash down onto the floor. Back Squat: Focus…
CrossFit One World – CrossFit Zots Press (12 MIn E2MOM 4 Reps Sots/Zots Press @ Bar/ 35% Body Weight) Metcon (Time) 4 Rounds for time 30 Double Unders 15 Hang Power Cleans 30 Sit Up 15 Hand Release Push Up Rx 135/95 Rx+ 155/115