One World 2016

Saturday January 2, 2016
Barbells & Bottles – 9am
We will have a fun BBQ/Potluck and we will complete the CrossFit Total.
The lifts will include:
Followed by a very quick group WOD. Friends & Family are encouraged to come out and give their support.

Saturday January 16, 2016
CrossFit Redux is hosting:
“The Redux Resolution”
This is an individual competition for Rx and Scaled/Masters competitors. The price is 75 per athlete and I believe this will be a great tune-up competition to lead us into the CrossFit Open. Please check FB for CrossFit Redux and follow the registration link. All WODS are posted.

Saturday & Sunday January 30 & 31, 2016
NorCal Masters Competition
Kelly McEntee
Ron Der
Coach Raz
Coach Maria
They need our undivided attention and support! Let’s carpool to the event and cheer as loud as possible for them.

Save the date: No Excuses


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