Weekend Competitions November 2015

If you have some free time please come out to the CrossFit Jigsaw Competition tomorrow morning.

The teams representing OW are:

Allen John and Chris Hinton
David Gora and Josh Honahnie

Lyn and Art are volunteer judges, and I’ll be there to shout and cheer everyone on! The first heat starts at 9am.

Also, Coach Lindsey might be competing in the Deuces Wild Competition in Martinez, Ca. I’ll have more details as the day passes and will keep you posted.

Good luck to all competitors.

Jig Saw Throwdown starts at 0900 am: https://www.facebook.com/events/398491293689841/

Deuces Wild Competition starts at 0600 am: https://www.facebook.com/2deuceswildcomp

Get out this weekend and support our One World Teams!


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