Boot Camp November 5, 2015 (Thursday)

Be patient during a challenging time in your life. You have more to gain by carefully making adjustments with calm, than you do making adjustments with haste.

Every situation won’t end in a desired manner but hopefully you can look past today’s hurdle and see why your perseverance will help your future, which is the overall goal anyway. Small challenges will help your character to become and remain strong, under any circumstance. Always stay positive for yourself or for someone that needs you!

Chocolate, Nut Butter, and Banana Quesadilla
Total Time: 15 min.
Prep Time: 10 min.
Cooking Time: 5 min.
Yield: 1 serving

1 (6-inch) whole wheat or whole grain tortilla
1 Tbsp. all-natural smooth nut butter (peanut, almond)
½ large banana, thinly sliced
1 Tbsp. dark chocolate (or semi-sweet) morsels

1. Spread half of tortilla with peanut butter.
2. Top peanut butter with banana and chocolate morsels. Fold tortilla in half; cook in medium nonstick skillet over medium-high heat, for 4 to 5 minutes, turning once, until chocolate is melted and tortilla is golden brown.

***Workout, Barbell Club***
400m Run
25 Overhead Squats
25 Sit Ups
25 Pull Ups
25 Push Press

Power Snatch
4 x 3 @ challenge weight

Back Squats
5 x 5 w/3 second pause


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