DAV Patriot Games 2015

The Patriot Games is on!

Hey One Worlders, let’s support the DAV Patriot Games:

This is Functional Fitness Races to Raise Awareness for suicide and PTSD
Supported by the California Disabled American Veterans Chapter 1 Homer Blevin

  • 12 Teams of 10 players
  • 5 males & 5 females
  • All 10 team members are eligible to play during any race and at anytime.
  • The two top teams with the lowest scores will play in the championship match on Sunday
  • Match 1 & Match 2 will have 6 races
  • Championship Match will have 7 races
  • Podium finishers will receive prizes from participating vendors

Races will be refereed by professional referees

Event MC’d by Karen GagnonCheck in will be Friday at 5:00pm on 12/11/2015. Once all teams check in there will be a full length film called “Project 22.” Project 22 is a film that creates awareness of the 22 veteran suicides a day. We ask that all participants, family, and friends join our xUx Family in watching this film. Go to www.project22.com to view trailer

Race information can be found at www.davpatriotgames.com.
All proceeds will benefit the California DAV and xUx Fresno 501c(3) Veteran Organization

Patriot Games participation information:  https://www.wodrocket.com/index.php/competitions/find-events/dav-patriot-games-2015



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