What is the difference between Tiers?

 What is the difference between tiers and/or why do they vary by person?

I think this is a great question and without an answer, I can understand your resistance and confusion. Please take the time to read my beliefs on what each tier means and why it pertains to you.

Tier 1
In this tier, you will develop a great base to build from. Consider it an introduction to the CrossFit methodology. This is where you create a foundation of strength and power. At this level, you are learning how to train and creating an awareness of your body and how it works. You will squat, deadlift and press regularly. You will learn to snatch and clean and jerk. You will work towards your first pullup, your first toes to bar, your first handstand. This is the beginning of your CrossFit journey.
There are no “rx” weights prescribed for this tier. The focus here is form and technique. Workouts in this tier can be scaled up or down and provide a lifetime of fitness for any athlete.

Tier 2
In this tier, you are proficient in all the movements and ready to start refining your skills. You will build a bigger engine and put it to the test. Loads will be prescribed for this tier and there will be a noticeable jump in intensity. Skills and accessory work will target your weaknesses and turn them into strengths. This tier is where you develop the higher level gymnastics and weightlifting capabilities. Athletes in this tier will continue to improve in all things CrossFit and maintain an elite level of fitness for the rest of their lives.

Tier 3
In this tier, you are at a level where you are thinking about competing or are already doing so. Volume, intensity and skill work are all taken up a notch. Rx weights will be noticebly higher than before and there will be a greater premium placed on efficiency of movement. This tier will challenge you to become a better all-around athlete with no holes in your game. Being able to consistently perform the workouts and movements in this tier as prescribed means that you are ready for anything life or sport can throw at you.

I’d like to use myself as an example because I am someone that you all know, through failure AND success. My experiences in CrossFit aren’t fulfilling because I only train towards the movements that I like, my experiences in CrossFit are fulfilling because I take the time to train towards the movements that I’m terrible at! My confidence in myself is high because of the work I’ve done when there was no reward to be claimed. I train/practice. Day in and day out, I train/practice. Many of you are not always happy when you can’t “RX” a workout, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that, you just need to train/practice to get better. Many of you are not satisfied when the skill element of a workout takes you out of your comfort zone, well in order to get over that hump, you must train/practice to get better. I’m not saying that you need to approach CrossFit the same way some diehard competitors do, I’m saying you need to get the most out of your time, money and sacrifices. Soccer Moms, Competitors, Weekend Warriors…it doesn’t matter. If you want to feel better, first you must work towards getting better. The 3 tier programming is to help you make a daily decision, point out a few of the holes you have in your game and work towards closing those holes up.

Please come to me and Brad if you have questions, the door will always remain wide open for you. Thanks


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