Boot Camp December 6, 2014 (Saturday)

Hello Saturday Morning Boot Campers!
My heart tells me that you will fall head over heals in love with tomorrow’s workout…YESSSSSS…since you’ve been so patient and considering of my needs, I’ve decided to let you have some early! Remember, tomorrow’s class will be given by Coach Marlo Carbonel and I absolutely expect you guys to treat him much the same way you treat me. That means…
Plenty of “dirty looks”
Plenty of “trash talk”
Plenty of “I don’t cares”
Plenty of “Let me see you do it”
Plenty of “Lips turned up”
Here’s the deal:
Warm Up
100 Meter Run
10 Wall Balls
200 Meter run
20 Wall Balls
300 Meter run
30 Wall Balls
400 Meter Run
40 Wall Balls
*Stretching and Hip Mobility
50 Kettlebell or Dumbbell Burpee Box Step-Overs – 8 Min Cap
The focus is 2 dumbbells or kettle bells, as heavy as possible.
Teams of 4 to 6 (2 people push at a time) – 1 Mile Prowler Push


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