CrossFit – Sat, Aug 26

CrossFit One World – CrossFit

IMUA (CF Lahaina) (Time)

“IMUA” – To move forward with strength and spirit

CF Lahaina posted this WOD as a tribute for all those who have lost their lives (and currently still missing) in the recent fire that burned the entire town. They will do this together when they are able to safely open again and every year on 8/8.

Buy In: 100 seconds of silence (to honor the 100+ lives lost in the fire)


8 Rounds for Time:

– 200m wall ball run 20/14 (Ohana running from the fire and carrying loved ones)

– 8 Toes to bar (Lahaina holding on and strong to the core)

– 8 Hang power clean 135/95 (Everyone helping to get the community cleaned up)

– 23 Air squats (The ups and downs emotionally and physically)

– 13 Lateral burpees over bar (When life knocks you down, you get back up and keep moving forward… IMUA!)

*Workout can be completed as a partner WOD, Rotate work each movement. Athlete 1 does the run, athlete 2 does the t2, athlete 1 does the hang power clean, athlete 2 does the air squats. Keep rotating movement until 8 rounds is complete*


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