CrossFit – Tue, Jun 20

CrossFit One World – CrossFit

Power Clean (10 Min E2MOM
4 Reps Power Clean
@ 75% – 80%)

$$ Summer Kakes (Time)

For Time:
Front Squats (125/85 lbs)
Deadlifts (125/85 lbs)

Our pyramid ladder today begins with 21 and ends with 21, both movements performed for each step of the ladder. So, 21 Front Squats + 21 Deadlifts, then 15 Front Squats + 15 Deadlifts, and so on and so forth. The weight should be light to moderately light compared to total capacity for each movement, especially the deadlift. But the front squats will start to feel fairly heavy regardless as the ladder descends and ascends. So make sure you break them up in sets and stay engaged in your core.


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