CrossFit – Thu, Jun 15

CrossFit One World – CrossFit

Deadlift (10 Min E2MOM
5 Deadlift
@ 75% – 80%)

$$ Iron Abs (Time)

For Time 21-15-9

Overhead Squats (75/55 lbs) RX+ (135/95)

*Run 800 Meters after each round

Your core will be put to the test today. Both Overhead Squats and Burpees are big range movements evolving the entire trunk. Overhead Squats will come from the floor, so be mindful that every time the bar is set down, it will also require us to perform a Clean and Jerk or Snatch to get the bar in the overhead starting position. The weight should feel light, so holding the bar through the biggest set you can manage without putting it down. Our core and shoulder stability is key during this movement, so focusing on controlled breathing will help us maintain that tight position.

Burpees and running is a great opportunity to push yourself. Move through both of these with urgency.


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