CrossFit – Mon, Jun 5

CrossFit One World – CrossFit

Clean (10 Min E2MOM
3 Rep Clean
@70% – 75%)

Push Jerk (4 Rounds of 90 Sec ( 6 Min)
2 Reps Push Jerk + Split 1 Jerk
@ 70% – 75%)

Split Jerk

$$ Red Light Special (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

AMRAP in 16 minutes:
6 Handstand Push-Ups
12 Single Arm Dumbbell Overhead Squats (50/35 lbs)
200 Meter Row

We are focusing on our upper body today and core strength. This is not a short workout, but the Handstand Push-Ups and Dumbbell Overhead Squats are manageable rep schemes, so it should be possible to complete each in a single set each round.

For the Handstand Push-Ups, target completing the 6 reps each round in well under a minute. If you don’t have Handstand Push-Ups yet, or if you think a set of 6 will take you over a minute each round, pick one of the Scaling Options below.

The Single Arm Dumbbell Overhead Squats can be completed in a couple different ways. Alternating each rep may not be the best option, however, so aim for breaking the reps in half, completing 6 on the right side first before moving onto 6 on the left side (or vice versa)

HANDSTAND PUSH-UPS: If you are unable to do 6 Strict Handstand Push-Ups when fresh, substitute the most challenging option from the list below:
– Pike Push-Ups (feet on a box)
– Pike Push-Ups (feet on the ground)
– Crossfit Push-Ups (Chest-to-Deck)
– Push-Ups (from the knees)


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