CrossFit – Tue, May 23




Please join us Monday, Memorial Day, for Murph and Mimosas. We will be serving Mimosa after the WOD.



HEAT 1 starts @7:30 am- scaled

HEAT 2 starts @ 8:45 am – scaled & RX

HEAT 3 starts @ 10:15 am – scaled &RX


This unique Memorial Day tradition will take place around the globe again on Memorial Day, Monday, May 29, 2023.

CrossFit One World – CrossFit

Front Squat (10 Min E2MOM
6 Rep Front Squat
@ 70%)

$$ Rowing Pains (Time)

For Time:
800/650 Meter Row

3 Rounds:
15 Kettlebell swings (53/35) RX+ (70/53)
12 Burpees

800/650 Meter Row

3 Rounds:
15 Kettlebell swings (53/35) RX+(70/53)
12 Burpees

800/650 Meter Row
Today you will accumulate 2,400/1,950 meters on the rower. Rowing will occur in the beginning, middle and end of the workout. Take this portion at a smooth and steady pace, because the inside work is where the focus should be.

Next we have low volume sets on the Kettlebell swings. When picking the weight for this portion use the heaviest weight you can hold 20 Kettlebell swings unbroken when fresh. Remember you can always break during the workout.

As for the Burpees if you can complete 15 burpees unbroken in under a minute when fresh. Complete this portion as written (Rx). If 12 burpees is going to take over 1 minute each round, scale the reps to 8 Burpees each round. These burpees are a big range of motion and will elevate your heart rate quickly. Remember step back and step up burpees are allowed and a great option to keep you moving through this workout.


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