CrossFit – Sun, May 21

CrossFit One World – CrossFit

Clean (10 Min E2MOM
4-5Rep Cleans
@ 50%- 60%)

$$ The Glute Game (Time)

For Time:

800 meter Run
30 Double Dumbbell Weighted Walking Alt Lunges (50/35 lb)
200 meter Run
30 Jumping Alt Lunges (No Weights)
200 meter Run
30 Double Dumbbell Front Rack Reverse Weighted Alt Lunges (50/35 lb)
800 Meter Run
30 Double Dumbbell Overhead Alt Lunges (50/35 lb)

For the lunges, left+right = 2 reps. Four different versions of lunges mixed with 2×200 meter Run & 2×800 meter Run, will have our legs and glutes feeling the fatigue. As the workout progresses so does the level of difficulty with the lunges.

On the lunge ensure your knee gently kisses the round to make each rep count.

Lunges are slow and steady, the time under tension will add up so rest as needed during these sets of 30 in the workout.

As for the run, take this opportunity to pick up the pace. If you need some recovery time, take the first 150/200 meters as recovery then pick up the speed.


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