CrossFit – Mon, Feb 20

CrossFit One World – CrossFit

Bulgarian Split Squat (5 Rounds for weight)

E2MOM x 5

8L/8R Bulgarian Split Squats

Increase load from 2 weeks ago. You can also use a barbell in a back rack.


Metcon (Time)

5 rounds for time of:

20 Push Press, 115/85 lbs

20 Strict Pull-ups

Time cap: 18 mins

Scaling Options:

Ring Rows – Can vary angle up to feet elevated

Reduce Reps 15 PP, 10 Strict Pull Ups

Reduce Load
The barbell is intended to be heavy and is from the ground. I want you to work on strict pull ups. Reduce reps (15, 12, 10 etc) if needed. Strict Ring Rows with feet elevated is a good alternative and is harder than you think.


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