September 2nd 2022

CrossFit One World – CrossFit


12 Min E2MOM

Complete a Cycle

2 Hang Power Snatch

2 Snatch Balance

1 Snatch

@ 65% – 70%1 RM Hang Power Snatch

Hang Power Snatch

Snatch Balance



Metcon (5 Rounds for reps)

15 Min E2.5MOM

10/7 Cal Row

5 DB Cluster 50/35 (RX+ KB Clusters 53/35)

6 DB Overhead Reverse Lunges 50/35 (Rx+ KB Overhead Reverse Lunges 53/35)

Buy out (6th RD Only) 10 DB Thruster / Rx+ 10 KB Thruster

Include Penalty Reps

Note Challenge yourself with the weight and do not do the KB Cluster if your not sure of the movement ask your coach.

Record Reps Completed per rounds.

Uncomplete Reps Will Accumulate as Penalty Reps.


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