May 2, 2022

CrossFit One World – CrossFit


Deadlift (5×3 E2MOM at 80 – 85%)

“DONNY” (Time)

For Time

21-15-9-9-15-21 Reps,

Deadlifts (225/155 lb)


Time Cap: 25 minutes

With a running clock, as fast as possible perform 21 Deadlifts & 21 Burpees, 15 Deadlifts & 15 Burpees, 9 Deadlifts & 9 Burpees, 9 Deadlifts & 9 Burpees, 15 Deadlifts & 15 Burpees, 21 Deadlifts & 21 Burpees.

Score is the time on the clock when the final Burpee is completed.

Tips and Strategy

The athlete should establish a rep scheme that’s manageable for their current fitness level—and fight hard to stick with it. Rest breaks should be brief. Move smoothly and steadily. Here’s a rep scheme to try:

21 Deadlifts: 12-9

21 Burpees: Unbroken/Steady pace

15 Deadlifts: 10-5

15 Burpees: Unbroken/Steady pace

9 Deadlifts: 9 (Unbroken)

9 Burpees: Unbroken/Steady pace

9 Deadlifts: 5-4

9 Burpees: Unbroken/Steady pace

15 Deadlifts: 5-5-5

15 Burpees: Unbroken/Steady pace

21 Deadlifts: 7-7-7

21 Burpees: Unbroken/Steady pace

In the example above, the athlete does bigger sets at the beginning, and smaller sets towards the end. The goal, regardless of the partitioning, is to keep rest to a minimum.

Intended Stimulus

“Donny” should feel both mentally (ascending ladders are a mental hurdle) and physically (90 Burpees and 90 Deadlifts!) exhausting. The load for the Deadlifts should feel moderate—not too heavy, not too light. The pace should be strong, and rest should be minimal. A great goal for this workout is sub 20 minutes.

Scaling Options

Scale the load and/or the volume of “Donny” to prioritize a strong pace and minimal rest. If the athlete has to break the deadlifts up into more than 4 sets, they should reduce the weight. If the athlete thinks that the WOD will take longer than 30 minutes, they should scale the volume (fewer repetitions).


12-9-6-6-9-12 Reps, For Time

Deadlifts (135/95 lb)



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