Total Body HIIT with Coach Rosie

Hit a training plateau? Want to rev up your strength and endurance? Looking for a high octane, heart pounding, sweat pouring 45 minute workout that fits in your busy schedule? Then CrossFit One World’s Total Body HiiT (High Intensity Interval Training) class may just be the full body program you are looking for!

Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned athlete, our 45 minute Total Body HiiT class will rev up your strength and cardiovascular engines. Bring your towel and plenty of water because you are going to sweat!

Classes Schedule:
Wednesdays: 9:00 am-9:45 am
Saturdays: 8:15 am-9:00 am

One World Members $20/mo
Non-Members $40/mo

Fill out our On-Line Waiver and sign up for the class on Wodify. For more information, Contact Us.

Come on in and get your the sweat on with Coach Rosie!


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