Oct 28th

CrossFit One World – CrossFit


Optional WARM UP

2 Rounds (10 Mins)

:30 on / :30 off

– Mountain Climbers

Back Squat (90 Sec for 10 Set (15 Min) 5 Back Squat @ Body Wei)

Jack Skellington (Time)

For Time:

10-31-10-31 reps of:

Wall Balls (20/14 lb)


MedBall Ball Facing Burpees

After each round, complete:

100 ft MedBall Overhead Walking Lunges (20/14 lb)

Time Cap: 25 minutes

With a running clock, as fast as possible completed the prescribed work. Athlete must complete 10 reps each of Wall Ball Shots, Toes-to-Bars, and MedBall Facing Burpees, then 100 foot MedBall Overhead Walking Lunges in the first round. For the second round, athlete will then perform 31 reps of each movement and the same length of Walking Lunges. For the third and fourth rounds, athlete will perform 10 reps of each movement and 31 reps with the same length for Walking Lunges.

Score is the time on the clock when the last round of the Walking Lunges is completed.

Tips and Strategy

Choose the loading and movement difficulties that will allow you to work through the 31 reps in less than 5 sets. The real fitness of this workout comes out if you can balance moving fast with achieving large sets.

Scaling Options

For Time

10-31-10-31 reps of:

Wall Ball Shots (14/10 lb)

Hanging Knee Raises

MedBall Ball Facing Burpees

After each round, complete:

100 foot MedBall Overhead Walking Lunges (14/10 lb)


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