CrossFit One World – CrossFit

Week 1 – Strength Stamina Cycle
This 10-Week Cycle focuses on strength with an emphasis on stamina. Crossfit workouts often asks us to move sub-maximal (less than your 1RM) weights at a high volumes. This cycle will help condition your body to handle the higher barbell volumes that you see in many workouts and take your strength and metabolic conditioning to the next level. “Stamina Squats” will highlight this cycle as the squat is a fundamental and one of the most important movements in Crossfit.

Back Squat (5 Rep Max )

Strength Work:

20 Minutes to establish 5 Rep Max Back Squat

This will be your benchmark for Stamina Squats starting next week

We will retest during Week 10.

Metcon (Time)

For Time:

AMRAP for 15 mins

30 Double-Unders

15 Power Cleans (95/65)

30 Double-Unders

15 Toes to Bar


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