CrossFit One World – CrossFit
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
Teams of 2
2 rounds of 3 AMRAPs
AMRAP #1 (5 min AMRAP)
20 D-Ball over the Shoulder (10 each, 1 for 1, you go I go)
100m Slam Ball run (together)
20 Slam Balls (10 each, 1 for 1, you go I go)
REST 2 minutes
AMRAP #2 (5 min AMRAP)
10 Sync’d Ab-Mat Sit Ups
*20 Power Snatch 75/105
*20 Front Rack Lunges 75/105
*Split reps however, 1 working at a time
REST 2 minutes
AMRAP #3 (5 min AMRAP)
3 burpees each, 4 push ups each, 5 air squats each
(I go, U go)
(Example, I do 3 burpees, then my partner does 3 burpees, I do 4 push-ups, my partner does 4 push-ups, etc.)
*I can’t start my push ups till my partner finished their burpees, etc.
1 round = you have both finished a set of 3,4,5
REST 2 minutes
****ROUND 2= REPEAT AMRAPS 1-3****