Willie Mays

CrossFit One World – CrossFit


E2MOM for 10 mins. @ 80% of 1RM Deadlift

Metcon (Time)

For Time

Buy-In: 95 Double-Unders

6 Rounds of:

10 Single Arm Dumbbell Clean-and-Presses (50/35 lb) (alternating)

11 DB Suitcase Crunches

18 Weighted Lunges (50/35 lb) (alternating)

Cash-Out: 95 Double-Unders

Use a single dumbbell throughout. For the dumbbell clean-and-press, the athlete must alternate arms after each rep. Complete 10 total repetitions per round; 5 per arm. A push press or strict press is allowed (a jerk is not). For the weighted lunges, hold the dumbbell in any racked position (front, back, or over one shoulder). Complete 18 total repetitions per round; 9 per leg.
Willie Howard Mays Jr., nicknamed “The Say Hey Kid”, is an American former professional baseball center fielder. He spent almost all of his 22-season Major League Baseball career playing for the New York/San Francisco Giants before finishing his career with the New York Mets


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