6:30 PM Outdoor Classes Are Back!

Welcome to 2021 (Take a deep breath -2020 is finally over)!

It’s time to get your health and fitness back on track and we have brought back the popular 6:30pm CrossFit classes to help you achieve your goals!

The 6:30pm evening CrossFit classes are Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays. All CrossFit classes are held outdoors as we continue to follow State and Local requirements from government public health agencies on when and how to safely and responsibly re-open our indoor training facility.

Bring your mat, water bottle and join the fun! Class sizes are limited so make sure you reserve your spot. Non-Members: Sign the on-line waiver and give us a holler. Face coverings are required!

Check the Schedule Page for the latest outdoor classes at CrossFit One World!

Let us help you get your fitness back on track in 2021!



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