
CrossFit One World – CrossFit


Due to the unpredictable weather that’s upon us One World will be bring back Zoom Classes only on those days that are cancel. Please Check Wodify and other social media for information. THANK YOU


223 055 0704



( All Class Have Same ID just different Time)

Zoom Class MWF ( If Class is CANCELED )





Warm-up (No Measure)

Double TABATA 20/10 (8 Min)


Plank w/Plate

Hollow Hold w/Plate

Side Plank R

Side Plank L


Overhead Squat (2 Reps 8 x EMOM @ 90%)

Zoom Modification:

2 Hands Overhead Wall Squats and 5 tricep dips (couch/chair, etc.) in remaining time


Metcon (Time)

For Time (20 min Time Cap)

400 meter Run

Then, 2 Rounds of:

8 Dumbbell Burpees to Presses OR Devils Press (2×35/53 lb)

100 meter Farmer’s Carry (2×35/53 lb)

8 Dumbbell Burpees to Presses OR Devils Press (2×35/53 lb)

100 meter Front Rack Shoulder Carry (2×35/53 lb)

Finally, perform:

400 meter Run
Zoom Modification:

Buy In: 100 Single Unders or lateral hops


2 rounds of

8 Dumbbell Burpees to Presses OR Devils Press (2×35/53 lb)

40 Mountain Climbers (R&L =2 reps)

8 Dumbbell Burpees to Presses OR Devils Press (2×35/53 lb)

40 Front Rack Lunges (20R/20L)

Buy Out: 100 Single Unders or lateral hops


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