
CrossFit One World – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

EMOM x 10

5 Push ups &

20 second handstand hold OR 10 handstand shoulder taps, OR 20 shoulder taps from Pike P-Up position
Complete the 5 push-ups & h/stand hold in the minute, rest remainder of min.


Tempo Thruster + Split Jerk (6xE2MOM 2 sets of(2+1) @70%)

2 Tempo Thrusters (3 seconds down, fast up)

1 Split Jerk

(Complete two sets of above every round)


Fast and Heavy (Time)

For time, fast and heavy:

21 dumbbell thrusters

Run 400 meters

18 dumbbell thrusters

Run 400 meters

15 dumbbell thrusters

Run 400 meters

As stated, pick dumbbells that are relatively heavy for you yet still allow you to complete each round of thrusters in very few sets. This workout should be treated like a sprint, so run hard and try to avoid resting until it is over. Intermediate athletes can perform this workout as prescribed, just with lighter dumbbells. Newer athletes can reduce the reps and shorten the runs.

Beginner Option

For time, fast and heavy:

15 dumbbell thrusters

Run 200 meters

12 dumbbell thrusters

Run 200 meters

9 dumbbell thrusters

Run 200 meters

To learn more about Fast and Heavy click here


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