Limited Reopening Starting Monday, June 29, 2020

Limited Reopening Starting Monday, June 29, 2020

We are so excited to announce that we will be REOPENING our doors!! Monday June 29th will be our first full day of classes. We can’t wait to see all your faces! To make sure things run smoothly we have put some guidelines in place. First week will be our trial period as we navigate our way of running our workouts which is outside on the parking lot. Thanks to everyone who filled out the survey. We will also be tracking busier class times to schedule more or less classes at certain times of the day as weeks go on. We will still be running Zoom Classes during this time for those who are unable or uncomfortable coming back to the gym. We support you in your personal choice during this difficult time if you choose to continue the stay-at-home protocol. Temporary Class times are as follows:

Monday-Wednesday-Friday (Gym Parking Lot)


6:30AM & 6:30PM (Zoom Class)


Tuesdays 6:30AM & 6:30PM

Thursdays 11AM & 6:30PM

Saturdays 9AM

Sundays 11:30AM

Tuesdays & Thursdays 1PM Kids Class

We are extremely excited to get you all back in the gym! We have definitely missed seeing all of you and attacking workouts together. We know this time has been challenging for many of you. We want to first take the time to say THANK YOU to each of you for your support over the last several weeks. We have never felt so much love and encouragement and we hope you all know how much we appreciate it. With your support not only are we able to reopen our doors, but we have been able to continue to pay your coaches and our space. Thank you!!!

Please click on the link and watch the mandatory Safety Guidelines:…/…


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