WOD August 12, 2014 (Tuesday)

Good Job with today’s workout everyone! Here’s the workout for Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Tier 1, 2, and 3
In groups of 3 or 4, complete the following 6 rounds of:

5 Bench Press Reps (heavy)
5-10-15-20 Shuttle Run

A round is complete after each person in your group has completed the 5 bench press reps and the shuttle run. Once a round is completed, immediately start the next. Communication is key if a partner in the group needs to modify weight when it’s his/her turn.

…and then…

EMOM – 21 Minutes 
1st Minute – Max Effort Plate Pinch (45#/25#/15#/10#)
2nd Minute – Max Double Unders
3rd Minute – Max Effort Plank

You will keep score by the total number of double unders completed. Tier 1, 2, and 3 will complete or “attempt” to complete max double unders. Please stagger and rotate depending on the equipment/space available to each coach or class.

Here’s a youtube example of the plate pinch.


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