New Protocols to Help Guard Against COVID-19

One World Family,

After over two months of temporary gym closure, we are ramping up reopening steps– Although we are still working on some of the logistics and scheduling issues, we wanted to update members on our status. Here’s what you can expect as we begin to ramp up the gym for re-opening:

Safety comes first

  • Every one is accountable to ensuring we hold to these standards.
  • Speak up if they spot an issue or have a concern.
  • Be assured, your One World Staff will been trained in new health and safety protocols before we open our doors.

Health Screening 

  • We hope to open within a few weeks but only when we believe it is safe to do so and permitted under local regulations.
  • We will be implementing health screening protocols, including non-contact forehead temperature scans for anyone entering the gym.

Schedule Modifications 

  • We’re planning to open but with schedule modifications to support social distancing. There will be more to follow on schedule modifications at One World.
  • The drinking fountain will remain closed for now. Please bring your own water bottle.

Sanitize Protocol

  • We’ve added 30-minute cleanings before and after each workout class to sanitize workout areas.
  • Throughout the day, our staff will wipe surfaces with disinfectant to help diminish the spread of germs.
  • Paper towels and cleaning solution continue to be available throughout the gym, and we encourage our members to wipe down fitness equipment before and after workouts.

Tips to Limit Exposure

  • Wash your hands frequently with soap or sanitizer for at least 20 seconds
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands
  • Respect a safe social distance from other members and our staff
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick
  • Stay home if you are not feeling well or if you’ve been exposed, and notify us if you experience any of these issues
If you have any concerns about exposure or experience signs of illness, please contact your doctor. It’s important for all of us to remain vigilant about our own health and wellness, and to be thoughtful of others around us. Together we can make One World a safe place to train.
We will post more information as we get closer to the reopening of One World.
Thank you for your continued support.
Brad and Carmella


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