WOD May 4, 2020 (Monday)

Home Workout

May The Fourth Be with You

Warm-up Complex : 10 X EMOM
Do 1 rep of each of the following EMOM
Cross Body Toe Touches (R Hand to Left Foot, L Hand to R Foot)
Air Squat
Jumping Jack

Tabata: Push-Up Progression (2 X’s TABATA (20/10))
First Tabata Round (4 Min.)
4 Seconds down, 1 Second Up
2nd Tabata Round (4 Min.)
1 Second down, 4 Seconds Up
You are doing Max Reps on Each Set

Strength: 1 Power Clean + 3 Front Squats + 1 Push Jerk (10X3)
W/Barbell,Dumbbell, or Heavy Object
Perform 3 sets of the complex every minute

WOD: 2 Rounds for Time
50 High Knees
40 Double Unders
30 Alt. Lunges (W/DBX2 or Weighted Objects X2)
20 Tricep Dips
30 Alt. Lunges (W/DBX2 or Weighted Objects X2)
40 Double Unders
50 High Knees


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