Dear One World Family,

As you may have already heard, Alameda County (our county) is one of six Bay Area counties that have issued a “shelter-in-place order”, a legal order directing residents to stay at home in an unprecedented move to prevent the spread of coronavirus COVID-19.

Effective tonight at midnight, March 17, 2020 thru April 7, 2020, we are being ordered by local authorities to stay in our residence with activity, travel and business functions limited to only the most essential needs.

This certainly makes it tough to get in your workouts, but your coaches have been busy making sure you can still do the workouts and we are prepared!

Daily WODs now include a Home Version that can be done in your home with no equipment or just using a few common household items! Your CrossFit and Boot Camp coaches will post video workouts and movement tips on our Instagram and Facebook Pages. So, check One World’s Instagram and Facebook pages for daily updates. The workouts will also still be posted on Wodify so you guys can continue to keep track of your fitness. We encourage you to stay connected with us, comment, post (and tag us), tell us how it went, did you do something different? In a time when isolation is the answer it helps to know you are not alone. We are here with you..

I know this is a difficult time for everyone but stay strong physically and mentally. We will get through this together!

If you have any questions or concerns, please email: info@oneworldsdf.com. or call me at 510 825-3048 This will allow us to tend to individual concerns directly.

Peace and Love,

Brad and Carmella

For more information on the details of this public health order, please go to http://www.acphd.org/2019-ncov/press-release.aspx and click on the link next to the date labeled March 16, 2020. Within the press release there is a link for the list of “essential activities.”

For more information from Public health please click on this link to get the latest information from Alameda County Public Health: http://www.acphd.org/2019-ncov.aspx


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