One World Competitors Class!!


If this doesn’t motivate you to pursue and reach, your FULL fitness potential…I don’t know what will! Join me and Coach Jennifer this Saturday, August 16 @ 10am for the One World Competition Class.

 I was fortunate enough to compete in this year’s CrossFit Games NorCal Regional Competition.   


My team didn’t make it to the Games BUT the experience and the memories are definitely worth the hard work and dedication that it takes to make the cut. The Crossfit Open is quickly approaching and I can assure you, those that want it bad enough are training right now!

I’d like to form a team of people/competitors that will push each other, lean on each other, and trust each other. My goal is build a team that is Regional Ready (2015). This WILL NOT be easy and some days WILL NOT be fun but the purpose behind the pain, should/will keep you striving for more.

Competitor’s Class, Saturday’s @ 10 am! “ALL ARE WELCOME” Non-One World members please email 




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