2019 International Weightlifting Day

One World Barbell Club is hosting the 2019 International Weightlifting Day, Saturday, April 13, 2019! -And it’s FREE!

If you’ve ever considered trying the Olympic lifts now is your chance to lift for FREE during International Weightlifting Day this Saturday, April 13, 2019! Just drop in to One World Barbell Club, a USA Weightlifting-affiliated Club to learn the basics, learn to compete in weightlifting meets, or use the movements to enhance your sports performance!

Saturday, April 13, 2019
12:00PM – 1:30PM

One World Barbell Club
CrossFit One World
33415 Western Avenue
Union City, California
Contact Coach Allen

Benefits of weightlifting: https://www.teamusa.org/usa-weightlifting/weightlifting101/top-10-reasons-to-train-the-olympic-weightlifting-movements


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