WOD October 2, 2018 (Tuesday)

5 Min EMOM
5-10 HSPU
*Stay consistent, same reps each round
*Sub Wall Walks or 2 negatives
Today we will be starting a handstand push up program. The goal of this program is to develop HSPU endurance and work on technique.
The program will occur on different week days throughout the cycle. Be sure to track your progress each week.

Clean and Press Complex (5 x (1 Power Clean + 3 Press))
5 x EMOM
5×1 P Clean + 3 Press 60%+
Use 1 RM press to determine 60%. The press is the limiting factor in today’s complex.
We are starting a Press cycle for this program. Over the next six weeks we will be developing strength in the press position which is relative to different movements in functional fitness.

For Time:
20 Rep Back Squat 95/135
DB FR Lunge 25/45


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