Skill Work: Push-ups
Tabata Push Ups, score is lowest round
Weightlifting: Bench Press
E2MOM 12 mins 6 BP at 65% of your best
WOD: AMRAP in 7 Minutes
- 50 Alternating dumbbell clean & jerks 50/35 lb
- 100 Double Unders
Today’s workout is a short time priority couplet where each round has a high number of reps for each movement. Most of us will need to break up both sets into smaller chunks. Use a dumbbell weight you could perform fifty reps while maintaining large sets with minimal rest. For the double unders scale to a number of repetitions you could complete in about two minutes. The time cap is tight so getting past one round or into that second set of double unders will be a tough task! Hold a steady pace but move quickly!