WOD August 6, 2018 (Monday)

Skill Work: Chest-To-Bar Pull-ups (Tabata Chest to bar pull ups)

Weightlifting: Power Clean
E2MOM 14 mins 4 PC @75% alternate with 1-2 rope climbs

WOD: AMRAP in 15 Minutes

  • 5 Deadlift 275/185 lb
  • 10 Lateral burpees over the bar
  • 15 Sit-up

This is a slightly heavier barbell load than what you might see in a light weight metcon. If you feel you are ready to test out a heavier weight than normal make sure you can complete five reps in a row without breaking at the low back. Whatever weight you choose it should not be so heavy that you have to perform single repetitions from the start or compromise your safety to complete a round. The deadlifts are paired with two body weight movements that will give you time to recover a bit from the difficult lifting task.


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