One World Teams represent at the 2018 Battle on the Bay

CrossFit One World Teams took on the annual the Battle on the Bay in Alameda on Saturday, July 21, 2018. Our Teams ranged from Scaled, first time competitors to RX Teams. Everyone had a great time the One World Way. Special thanks to all the family and friends who dropped by to cheer on our athletes.

Congratulations to the winning One World Teams who placed in their respective divisions.

  • 1st place, RX Women’s Division: Coach Moe, Coach Lyn, and Coach Q.
  • 2nd place, Scaled Men’s Division: Coach Justin, PacoPeña Peña, and Luis Avalos
  • 3rd place, Scaled Men’s Division: Coach Harvey, Vamsi Krishna, Lou Ladeinde

Check out all the exciting videos and photos from the 2018 Battle on the Bay Event on our One World Facebook page!


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