WOD July 6, 2018 (Friday)

Skill Work: Tabata Handstand Push-ups or Handstand Walk
Choose either hspu or walk for the tabata!

Weightlifting: Thruster
EMOM 10 mins 2 Thrusters from the floor at 75-80%

WOD: AMRAP in 10 Minutes

  • 10 left arm DB overhead walking lunge 50/35 lb
  • 10 right arm DB push press 50/35 lb
  • 20 air squat
  • 10 right arm DB overhead walking lunge 50/35 lb
  • 10 left arm DB push press 50/35 lb
  • 20 air squat

You’ll have a set of twenty reps of lunges and push press to complete prior to setting the dumbbell down and getting through twenty bodyweight squats. Start with ten lunges holding the dumbbell overhead and then switch arms and complete ten push press. You don’t need to perform each set of ten unbroken during the workout but you definitely should be able to do that when you are fresh.

Complete the round by starting with opposite arms and finishing off with another set of twenty squats. If you have overhead mobility issues hold the dumbbell in a front rack position on each side rather than overhead.

Your score will be the total number of rounds you complete all eighty reps and any additional reps in an incomplete round.


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