3rd Annual One World Mental Health Awareness Day

Saturday, May 19, 2018 – Save the Date!

Want a cool shirt from a local artist?

Want to support an important cause?

Want to raise $$ for youth counseling services?

Join us for ‘Strength Against Stigma’ at the 3rd Annual One World Mental Health Awareness Day WOD & Fundraiser on Saturday May 19, 2018 at One World Self Defense and Fitness!

WOD will Tabata with something for everyone!  All levels of fitness are welcome.Weights, KB, sandbag or wall ball weights to be adjusted to each athlete’s level. First heat begins at 9:00am.



When: Saturday, May 19, 2018, First Heat starts at 09:00am
Where: CrossFit One World located at 33415 Western Avenue, Union City, California 94158
Contact: One World Self Defense and Fitness Front Desk (510) 324-8153 for further information
WOD: Tabata against Stigma

Bring your “A” game and support a wonderful cause!

-From our very own Helen


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