Capacity: 1000m Row (Max Effort for Time)
Weightlifting: Snatch
E2MOM 14 mins, go for a new 2 RM Squat Snatch. This does not need to be touch and go
WOD: Jeremy (For Time)
21-15-9 of
- Overhead Squats, 95# / 65#
- Burpees
Capacity: 1000m Row (Max Effort for Time)
Weightlifting: Snatch
E2MOM 14 mins, go for a new 2 RM Squat Snatch. This does not need to be touch and go
WOD: Jeremy (For Time)
21-15-9 of
CrossFit One World – CrossFit Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 15 Min AMRAP 5 Power Snatches 10 Lateral Burpees 5 Toes to Bar Rx Bar 115/75 Metcon (Time) 5 Rounds For Time 5 Wall Walks 10 DB Overhead Lunges (2-DB) Rx DB 40/25 Rx + DB 50/35
CrossFit One World – CrossFit Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 12 Min AMRAP 15 Russian KB Swings 10 Pistols 15 Hand Release Push Up Rx KB 70/53 Rx+ Vest 20/14 KB 70/53 Metcon (Time) For Time 21-15-9 Pull Ups Clusters Rx Bar 95/65 Rx+ Vest 20/14 Bar 95/65
CrossFit One World – CrossFit Overhead Squat 10 Min E2MOM 5 Rep Overhead Squat @ 70 % 1 RM Overhead Squat LVL 1 Galian Beast (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 15 Min AMRAP 10 Burpee 20 Wallball 20/14 30 Double Under 400m Row