WOD February 26, 2018 (Monday)

Skills: Toes-To-Bar

Tabata Strict Toes to bar. For those that struggle with full strict toes to bar, look to do strict knee raises close as possible to the elbows.

Weightlifting: Back Squat + Front Squat Complex
E3MOM for 15 Minutes of 1 Front Squat plus 2 Back Squats @ 95% of your 1 Rep Max Front Squat.

This complex is a combination of both back squats and front squats all from the rack based on a percentage of your 1 RM Front Squat! Make sure to start with your front squats FIRST off the rack and look to go for a max in this complex!!

WOD: For time – CAP 20 minutes
18-15-12 of:

  • Thrusters (rx: 115/75, rx+: 135/95 lb)
  • 400M Run after each round of Thrusters


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