Month: October 2024

  • Bootcamp August 8, 2014 (Friday)

    After the 5:30am class, Victoria aka Mom, put in a little extra work on the concept2 rower!

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  • WOD August 8, 2014 (Friday)

    What’s up everyone! I’m posting tomorrow’s workout early. My focus is to see if it will help you better prepare yourself. Lately I’ve posted the workouts between 9 and 9:45pm, I know most of you are paying more attention to your family by then, so don’t have much time to get your workout plan/gear together…

    Read More: WOD August 8, 2014 (Friday)
  • Bootcamp August 7, 2014 (Thursday)

    This is a picture of the 6:30pm class but the message behind the picture, goes out to #everyone that participated in yesterday’s workout. YOU GUYS MADE ME PROUD!!!!! 

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  • WOD August 7, 2014 (Thursday)

    I’m super happy with everyone’s work today. I’m hoping all of you take full advantage of tomorrow’s rest day. If you absolutely have to workout, be sure to focus on something that you are NOT good at. Most of you struggle with double-unders, a lot of you struggle with the handstand progression and some of…

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  • Yoga: Inner Most Heart

    Ashtavakra Gita 18.4:  How can one who’s innermost heart has been scorched by the sun of sorrow that comes from duty be happy until the sweet rain of torrential stillness? Namaste  

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  • Gymnastics: Take the time to stretch after a WOD

    A lot of us finish a WOD in a puddle of sweat, get up, towel off, and go about life. Please take the time to do light stretching and mobility movements when you finish a WOD. If you took just 5 minutes after a WOD to do a head to toe easy stretching regiment, your…

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  • WOD August 6, 2014 (Wednesday)

    Hello Everyone! Here’s the workout for Wednesday, August 6, 2014 Tier 1Warm UpMobilityEMOM – 10 Minutes 3 Deadlifts @ 75% + 3 Air Squats *Complete the following for time:50 Back Squats (95/65) + 800m Run Tier 2 Warm UpMobilityEMOM – 10 Minutes 3 Deadlifts @ 75% + 4 Air Squats *Complete the following for time:50…

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  • WOD August 5, 2014 (Tuesday)

    What’s up guys! Here’s the workout for Tuesday, August 5, 2014 Tier 1Bench Press – 1 Rep Max EMOM – 8 Minutes (even) Max Assisted Push Ups(odd) 10 Calorie Row * Complete 5 rounds for time of:3 Push Press (pick weight)100m Plate Run (15/10)3 Hanging Knee Raise Tier 2Bench Press – 1 Rep Max EMOM…

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  • WOD August 4, 2014 (Monday)

    One World – CrossFit, Krav Maga, & Jiu-JitsuHey Everyone! Here’s the workout for Monday, August 4, 2014 Tier 1Hang Power Snatch2@ 60%2@ 65%2@ 70% 5 x 2@ 75%Complete the following reps for time, 21-15-9 of:Goblet Squats (pick weight)Russian KB SwingsBurpees Tier 2Power Snatch2@ 60%2@ 65%2@ 70%5 x 2@ 75%Complete the following reps for time, 21-15-9…

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  • New addition to the OW family

    I drove out to CrossFit Jibboom (Tahoe/Truckee) this morning and I’m happy that I did. After working out with intern/coach Anne Dunne and watching her coach other CrossFitters, it looks like One World has found another dynamic and very exciting coach to add to the roster. Anne will be joining us in September, when she…

    Read More: New addition to the OW family


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  • CrossFit – Sat, Oct 5

    CrossFit One World – CrossFit 500m Row (Time) Max Effort 500m Row 190602 (Time) For time: Row 2,000 meters 21 cleans 15 thrusters Row 1,000 meters 15 cleans 12 thrusters Row 500 meters 9 cleans 9 thrusters ♀ 95 lb. ♂ 135 lb.

  • CrossFit – Fri, Oct 4

    CrossFit One World – CrossFit Power Snatch (12 Min E2MOM 3 Rep Power Snatch 3 Overhead Squat @ 50 % 1 RM Power Snatch Increase Weight by 5 every set) Overhead Squat Iron Abs (Time) For Time 21-15-9 Overhead Squats Burpees *Run 800 Meters after each round Rx 75/55 RX+ 135/95



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