Month: October 2024

  • One World Krav Maga and Crossfit Kids!

    Who:One World Kids What:Fun, Fitness & Self Defense When:Starting Monday, February 22 Where:One World Facility 33415 Western AveUnion City, Ca 94587 Why: Because the future of fitness is in the ones we love the most. Our children deserve a legitimate opportunity to build a foundation that includes confidence, self awareness, self control, leadership, communication, strength,…

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  • Rock the Wod with Ejijah Muhammad!

    CrossFit Games Top 20 Athlete, Elijah Muhammad is bringing LIFT HEAVY OFTEN, a 2-Day event to CrossFit One World! FRIDAY March 25, 2016 – ROCK THE WODIn the final WOD of the 2016 CrossFit Open, Games Athlete, Elijah Muhammad is going to “ROCK THE WOD” in a head to head exhibition against NORTHERN CALIFORNIA CrossFitters.…

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  • WOD March 25, 2016 (Friday)

    Open Workout 16.5 Optional Replacement Workout15-12-9OHS (95/65)Russian KBS (70/53)Rest 5 minutes12-9-6OHSRKBSRest 5 minutes9-6-3OHSRKBSRecord time for each round

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  • WOD March 24, 2016 (Thursday)

    A) Narrow Grip Bench Press5-5-5-5-5*building but keep load moderate, focus on narrow position*Head and hips on bench, feet on floor B) 10x200m Sprint1 min Farmer Hold “rest” in between sprints (53/35)

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  • WOD March 23, 2016 (Wednesday)

    Strength:Tempo Deadlifts5×3 reps @ 50X1*choose working weight with coach*Tempo: 5 eccentric count, 0 pause, exploding concentric, 1 second pause at top MetCon:“Mary”20 Min AMRAP5 HSPU10 Pistols15 Pull-Ups *Beginners may choose to do “Cindy”

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  • WOD March 22, 2016 (Tuesday)

    Strength:5xA1) Snatch 3×70% (TnG)A2) 20 Hollow Rocks *Alternate A1 and A2 5x MetCon:3 Min Max Cal RowRest 1 Minute3 Min Max Snatch 115/75Rest 1 Minute3 min Max T2B*Scale snatch to 40-50%

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  • WOD March 21, 2016 (Monday)

    Strength: “Bear Complex”5×7(Power Clean + Front Squat + Push Press + Back Squat + BTN Push Press)*No resting on the ground during the 7 unbroken sets, try to add each set if possible, may combine movements (exp: Cluster + Back Squat + BTN Push Press), Jerks are allowed. MetCon:3 Rounds for Reps2 min Triple Unders2…

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  • WOD March 18, 2016 (Friday)

    OPEN WORKOUT 16.4 Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 13 minutes of:55 deadlifts55 wall-ball shots55-calorie row55 handstand push-ups Men deadlift 225 lb. and throw 20-lb. ball to 10-ft. targetWomen deadlift 155 lb. and throw 14-lb. ball to 9-ft. target Optional/Replacement Workout:“Michael”3RFT800m Run50 Hip Extensions50 GHD Sit-Ups*Scale Run to 600m if mile time…

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  • WOD March 17, 2016 (Thursday)

    For Time:5k RowFor Time:13 Rope Climbs*10 min capHandstand Push-Ups:Beginner – 10x 15-20″ HS HoldInt – 20x 5 sec Negative HSPUAdv – 20x 5 sec Deficit Negative HSPU*Come off the wall after each rep, no press or kip back upThoracic Spine Mobility

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  • WOD March 16, 2016 (Wednesday)

    Strength:Snatch Balance (5×2)*From Rack*About 60%Snatch 2×1@70%, 2×1@80%, 1×1@90% MetCon:AMRAP 105 Power Snatch 115/7510 Knee To Elbow15 Push Balls 20/14, 10ft target*Target – 5 Rounds*Scale weight to ~60-70%*Prescribed height is 10′ for men and women*Push ball does not require a squat

    Read More: WOD March 16, 2016 (Wednesday)


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    CrossFit One World – CrossFit Power Clean (12 Min E2MOM 3 Rep Power Clean 2 Front Squat @ 55 % 1 RM Power Clean Increase Weight by 5 every set) Front Squat Tax Day (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 15 Min AMRAP 15 American Kettlebell Swings 12 Front Squats 9 Calorie Row RX KB 53/35…

  • CrossFit – Mon, Oct 7

    CrossFit One World – CrossFit Back Rack Reverse Lunges (12 Min E2MOM 8 Reps Total (4 Left 4 Right) @ 65 % of Bodyweight Increase Weight by 5 every set) Metcon (5 Rounds for reps) 15 Min E3MOM 100 m Run 10 DB Front Rack Lunges Max Burpee Box Jumps Overs Rx DB 40/25 Box…

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