Month: October 2024

  • WOD April 19, 2016 (Tuesday)

    Back squats 5×5 add 5# from last liftFor time:30 wall balls 14/2030 floor to overhead 65/9530 KB swing (American) 35/5330 burpees 30 hang power cleans

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  • WOD April 18, 2016 (Monday)

    In teams of 3, every 3 minutes complete 5 deadlifts 5 bench press and 5 power cleans. Use between 65 to 75% of 1 rep max. Rest and repeat every 3 minutes for 10 rds.  *Each team member starts at a station and cycles through all 3 each round.

    Read More: WOD April 18, 2016 (Monday)
  • WOD April 15, 2016 (Friday)

    Front squat 5×5 increase weight 5# from last week Push press 5×5 WOD “Jackie”1000m row50 thrusters 35/4530 pull ups

    Read More: WOD April 15, 2016 (Friday)
  • WOD April 14, 2016 (Thursday)

    WOD “Death By Plate Weight “4RFT W25#/M45#400m run w/plate20 burpee to overhead to plate jump20 overhead traveling lunge steps (alt. legs)20 ab mat sit-ups w/plate

    Read More: WOD April 14, 2016 (Thursday)
  • WOD April 13, 2016 (Wednesday)

    OH squat 5×5 increase weight 5# from last week Power snatch 8 min EMOM 3 @ 60/65% WOD 5RFT10 OH squat 95/65 10 dips250m row

    Read More: WOD April 13, 2016 (Wednesday)
  • WOD April 12, 2016 (Tuesday)

    Skill- weighted pull ups 2-2-2-2-2 or if you do not have strict pull ups perform 5 sets max rep supine ring rows Strength- dead lift 5×5 increase weight 5-10# from last weekBench press 5×5 WOD AMRAP in 10 min. 15 push ups/15 pull

    Read More: WOD April 12, 2016 (Tuesday)
  • WOD April 11, 2016 (Monday)

    Back squat 5×5 increase weight 5-10# from last weekThruster 2-2-2-2 increase weight each set WOD “The Chief” AMRAP 3 min-Rest 1 min. between sets, repeat for 5 sets of 3 power cleans (65/95) 6 push-ups 9 air squats

    Read More: WOD April 11, 2016 (Monday)
  • WOD April 8, 2016 (Friday)

    Front squats 5×5 Push jerks 5×5 10 EMOM:3 thrusters 65/953 lateral jump burpees

    Read More: WOD April 8, 2016 (Friday)
  • WOD April 7, 2016 (Thursday)

    Skill: rope climb practice WOD: NFT10 power cleans 200m run8 power cleans 400m run6 power cleans 600m run4 power cleans 800m run2 power cleans 1000m run

    Read More: WOD April 7, 2016 (Thursday)
  • Gymnastics April 6, 2016 (Wednesday)

    Kids aren’t the only ones who get play time! The gymnastics class starts with fundamental skills and progress to the more challenging WOD related movements.

    Read More: Gymnastics April 6, 2016 (Wednesday)


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