Month: October 2024

  • WOD December 13, 2019 (Friday)

    Skills: For 12 minutes rotate between tabata beat swing tabata swing to L/knees to elbow tabata toes to bar Coach’s note: do not do a full set of tabata of beat swing, then move on to next, instead perform a beat swing, then swing to L then toes to bar, then start back at beat…

    Read More: WOD December 13, 2019 (Friday)
  • WOD December 12, 2019 (Thursday)

    Weightlifting: Clean (12 minutes) Hang squat clean + power clean + jerk WOD: 5k Row For Time Max Effort 5k Row

    Read More: WOD December 12, 2019 (Thursday)
  • WOD December 11, 2019 (Wednesday)

    WOD: For Time 50-40-30-20-10 reps for time of: Row (calories) Thrusters bar bell only Front Squat Front Squat 4×9@70% + 10 lbs

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  • WOD December 10, 2019 (Tuesday)

    Core warm up: 3 rounds X hollow rocks X tuck crunches X v-ups X sec hollow hold 30 seconds rest x = 7 Strength: Snatch E2MOM x 6 Hang squat snatch + squat snatch WOD: Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of: 12 chest to bar / 6 ring muscle-ups 36 kettlebell…

    Read More: WOD December 10, 2019 (Tuesday)
  • WOD December 9, 2019 (Monday)

    Strength: Back Squat E2MOM x 5 5 x 3 tempo 3030 back squat Starting ~65% of 1RM and work up WOD: Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of: 10 deadlifts 10 strict handstand push-ups

    Read More: WOD December 9, 2019 (Monday)
  • WOD December 6, 2019 (Friday)

    Warm up: Thirty second Front squat 3 sets of Front Squats 15 seconds descent hit bottom for 1 second 15 second ascent start light (ie barbell only) Front Squat 4×9@70% WOD: Filthy Fifty (For Time) 50 Box jumps, 24″ 50 Jumping pull-ups 50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood 50 steps Walking Lunge 50 Knees to elbows…

    Read More: WOD December 6, 2019 (Friday)
  • WOD December 5, 2019 (Thursday)

    Strength Complex: 16 minute AMRAP 1 squat clean 2 front squat 1 thruster 2 push jerk Coach’s note: This workout is a complex. have athletes pick a weight ~60% of their push jerk WOD: 4 rounds for time 400m run 15 sumo deadlift high pull 10 shoulder to overhead

    Read More: WOD December 5, 2019 (Thursday)
  • WOD December 4, 2019 (Wednesday)

    Strength: Back Squat E2MOM x 5 5 x 3 tempo 3210 back squat Starting ~60% of 1RM and work up WOD: 12 minute AMRAP 50 ft overhead walking lunge 25 HSPU 50 goblet squat 25 toes to bar

    Read More: WOD December 4, 2019 (Wednesday)
  • WOD December 3, 2019 (Tuesday)

    Weightlifting: Snatch (6×1) E2MOM x 6 hang squat snatch + squat snatch WOD: For Time -Cap 25 minutes 30 – 27 – 24 burpee over dumbell DB hang clean and jerk 21 – 18 – 15 burpee over dumbell Alternating DB snatch 12 – 9 – 6 burpee over dumbell pistols / goblet squat x…

    Read More: WOD December 3, 2019 (Tuesday)
  • WOD December 2, 2019 (Monday)

    Stength: E2MOM Deadlift 10-8-6-4-2 Work to a heavy weight, but not a 2RM WOD: For Time 10 rounds 5 box jump over 10 pull up 15 air squat

    Read More: WOD December 2, 2019 (Monday)


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