Month: September 2024

  • SSOOOO Late

    CrossFit One World – CrossFit Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) AMRAP For 25 Mins Team Of Two Partner A 10 Lateral Burpee Max Rep: Power Snatch 135/95 (RX+ 155/115) (Will continue to do snatches until Partner B Finish) Partner B 21 Hang Power Clean 40/20 (RX+ 50/35) 15 Shoulder to Overhead 9 Deadlifts…

    Read More: SSOOOO Late

    CrossFit One World – CrossFit Deadlift (E2MOM FOR 10 MINS 5 REPS @ 75% OF 1RM DEADLIFT) 5k Run (Time) Max Effort 5k Run

    Read More: BLACK FRIDAY
  • Thanksgiving with the Girls

    CrossFit One World – CrossFit Thanksgiving with the Girls (Time) For Time “Angie’s” House 20 Pull-Ups 20 Push-Ups 20 Sit-Ups 20 Air Squats “Helen’s” House 400 meter Run 21 Kettlebell Swings (53/35 lb) 12 Pull-Ups “Fran’s” House 15 Thrusters (95/65 lb) “Nancy’s” House 400 meter Run 15 Overhead Squats (95/65 lb) “Grace & Isabel’s” House…

    Read More: Thanksgiving with the Girls
  • Happy Thanksgiving!

    Thanksgiving is a time to give thanks and celebrate with food, beverages and the company of loved ones. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

    Read More: Happy Thanksgiving!

    CrossFit One World – CrossFit   Clean and Jerk (E2MOM FOR 12 MINS @ 75%-80% OF 1RM CLEAN & JERK) 2 HANG CLEANS + 1 JERK LIBRANOS DEL MAL (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) AMRAP in 23 minutes 9 Devil Presses (2×40/25 lb) 20 Alternating Dumbbell Front Rack Reverse Lunges (2×40/25 lb) 9 Dumbbell Push…


    CrossFit One World – CrossFit Back Squat (E2M0M FOR 12 MINS 5 REPS 75%-80% OF 1RM BACK SQUAT) Metcon (Time) For time: Buy In: 50 Double Unders 20-18-16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches (35/50) Goblet Squats Russian Twists Buy Out: 50 Double Unders


    CrossFit One World – CrossFit Snatch (E2MOM FOR 12 MINS 6 SETS 2 HANG SNATCH + 1 SNATCH ) @ 75%-80% OF 1 RM SNATCH Metcon (Time) 5 Rounds for Time 21 calorie Row 15 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20 in) 9 Front Squats (95/135) Time Cap: 25 minutes With a running clock, complete 5…

    Read More: GOBBLE UP
  • Nov 21th

    CrossFit One World – CrossFit Weightlifting 12 Min E2MOM 5 Bench Press @70%-75% Rep Max Bench Press Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 15 Min AMRAP 1 Man-maker 40/20 1 Standing Arnold Press 40/ 20 10 Lateral Hops Over Dumbbell 2 Man-Maker 2 Arnold Press 10 Lateral Hops Over Dumbbell 3 Man-Maker 3 Arnold…

    Read More: Nov 21th
  • “That’s My Best Friend”

    CrossFit One World – CrossFit Metcon (Time) For Time (with a Partner) 60 Pull-Ups 60 Wall Balls (20/14) 60 Ab Mat Sit-Ups 120 American Kettlebell Swings (53/35) Perform every two minutes: 10 Synchronized Burpees With a running clock, as fast as possible perform the prescribed work in the order written with a partner. Athletes can…

    Read More: “That’s My Best Friend”

    CrossFit One World – CrossFit DEADLIFT Deadlift 5 Reps @ 65% of 1RM E2MOM for 10 mins MR. CLEAN (Time) For Time and Load 3 Clean-and-Jerks (135/95 lb) 3 Toes-to-Bars 55 Double-Unders 6 Clean-and-Jerks (135/95 lb) 6 Toes-to-Bars 55 Double-Unders 9 Clean-and-Jerks (135/95 lb) 9 Toes-to-Bars 55 Double-Unders 12 Clean-and-Jerks (135/95 lb) 12 Toes-to-Bars 55…

    Read More: THE LORAX


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  • CrossFit – Tue, Sep 24

    CrossFit One World – CrossFit Bent Over Row (12 Min E2MOM 10 Bent over row @ 40 % Bodyweight Increase Weight by 5 every set 4 Ring Dips/8 Box Dips (Right After Bent Over Row)) Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 14 Min AMRAP 10 DB Snatch 20 Single Arm Overhead Lunges (10 Left /10…

  • CrossFit – Mon, Sep 23

    CrossFit One World – CrossFit Power Snatch (12 Min E2MOM 3 Rep Power Snatch 3 Overhead Squat @ 50 % 1 RM Power Snatch Increase Weight by 5 every set) Overhead Squat Maverick (Time) For Time: 20 Thrusters 20 Sumo Deadlift High-Pulls 20 Push Jerks 20 Overhead Squats 20 Front Squats 100 m Run at…

  • CrossFit – Sun, Sep 22

    CrossFit One World – CrossFit Deadlift (12 Min E2MOM 5 Rep Deadlift @ 70% 1 Rm Dead) Metcon (Time) 5 Rounds For Time 10 Deadlift 15 DB Push Press 200 m Run Rx Bar 225/155 DB 50/35



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