Month: September 2024

  • WOD September 18, 2015 (Friday)

    Start your warm up sets at 50% to 60% of your 1rm jerk, add weight each set. Complete the following 2x @ a heavy challenge weight Push Press + Push Jerk + Split Jerk Bench Press2 x 8 @ 70% of your 1rm bench press Complete 3 rounds for time:10 Overhead Squats 10 Sumo Deadlift…

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  • Fitness Wave

    Fitness Wave NorCal is back in the house!!  As you all know, Fitness Wave NorCal is one of the most trusted and proven ways of Hydrostatic Testing (body fat). Their information is accurate, valuable and very important. Please see the link for more details and registration:

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  • WOD September 17, 2015 (Thursday)

    Parachute Sprints 100m x 16Rest as needed. Parachutes are located in the cubbies in the back of the gym

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  • Gymnastics September 16, 2015 (Wednesday)

    The “stacked” position is important for handstand work. Harvey is assisting Ron achieve that important -sometimes elusive- position. 

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  • WOD September 16, 2015 (Wednesday)

    Complete 3x @ 70% of your 1rm full snatch:Power Snatch + Snatch + OHSFront Squat 2 x 5 @ 70% of your 1rm front squatComplete for maximum reps:Tabata Deadlifts M315/F225

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  • WOD September 15, 2015 (Tuesday)

    Complete 1 round for time:60 Calorie Row50 Pistol Squats40 Pull Ups30 HSPU 20 KB Snatch (70/53)10 Burpee Box Jump (40/30)

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  • WOD September 14, 2015 (Monday)

    Complete 3x @ 70% of your 1rm full clean: Power Clean + Clean + Split Jerk*Try to complete the sequence with “touch and go” speed Back Squat (3 second pause)3 x 3 @ 70% of your 1rm squat Complete 3 rounds for time:12 Deadlifts9 Hang Power Cleans6 Shoulder To Overhead M185/F135 – 9 Min Cap

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  • Yoga September 13, 2015 (Sunday)

    Buddhist Worry Chart. Namaste

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  • 9-1-1 Memorial WOD 2015

    Team of 2, partner 2 has to wait until partner 1 finishes a movement, before he or she can start. Complete for time: 11 Thrusters (135/95) 11 Muscle Ups 11 Squat Cleans (135/95) 11 Strict HSPU 11 Overhead Squats (135/95) 11 Chest To Bar Pull Ups 11 American Swings (70/53) 11 Box Jumps (30/24) 11…

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  • WOD September 11, 2015 (Friday)

    1 Rep Max Full Snatch 1 Rep Max Back Squat

    Read More: WOD September 11, 2015 (Friday)


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