Month: September 2024

  • WOD August 22, 2018 (Wednesday)

    Warm-up: Pull-ups 10 minute EMOM of pull ups at 40% of your max pull ups from 7/31 Weightlifting: Press Complex (5 x 3+3) E2MOM of Press Complex 5 x 3+3 @ 65-75% WOD: AMRAP in 12 minutes of 200M Run 5 Toes to Bar 10 Pull Ups 15 Shoulder to Overhead 75/95, 95/135

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  • WOD August 21, 2018 (Tuesday)

    Warm-up: Seated Box Jump (For Distance) Take 10 minutes to complete seated box jump 3 x 3-5 Weightlifting: Back Squat (3 x 5) E2MOM backsquat 3 x 5 @ 75-85% of your 1 rep max WOD: For Time 12, 9, 6, 3, 6, 9, 3 Front Squat 75/95 Burpee Box Jump 20/24

    Read More: WOD August 21, 2018 (Tuesday)
  • WOD August 20, 2018 (Monday)

    Warm-up: Clean technique and mechanics Weightlifting: Hang Clean (7 x 1) E2MOM 7 x 1 high pull + 1 hang clean WOD: For Time 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 ** Deadlift 75/95, 95/135 Snatch Overhead squat ** 30 Double Unders after each round (Sub 45 singles for 30 double unders)

    Read More: WOD August 20, 2018 (Monday)
  • WOD August 17, 2018 (Friday)

    Warm-up: Tabata Double unders Weightlifting: Front Squat 5 x 5 Front Squat @ 65% of your 1 rep max WOD: AMRAP in 10 Minutes 3, 6, 9, 12…… Thrusters 65/95, 85/115 30 Double Unders *Scaled 60 singles

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  • WOD August 16, 2018 (Thursday)

    Warm-up: 4 x 250m row rest :30 between row sets Weightlifting: Cleans 5×3 @ 65% + of your 1 rep max WOD For Time – CAP 15 Minutes 400m run, 12 hang snatches 300m run, 15 hang snatches 200m run, 18 hang snatches 100m run, 21 hang snatches 400, 300, 200, 100 run rx: 55/75,…

    Read More: WOD August 16, 2018 (Thursday)
  • WOD August 15, 2018 (Wednesday)

    Skill Work: Hand Stand Push Ups EMOM for 6 Minutes of Handstand Pushups. Kipping is ok but work on your strict Handstand Pushups! Weightlifting: Press Complex 5 x 3+3 @ 65-75% WOD: 7 Minute AMRAP 7 Deadlift 155/205, 175/245 7 Hand Stand Push Ups or Strict Hand Stand Push Ups 7 Lateral Burpees

    Read More: WOD August 15, 2018 (Wednesday)
  • WOD August 14, 2018 (Tuesday)

    EMOM: Pull Ups Start without weight and add weight each round. 5,4,3,2,1 -OR- Start to remove weight if added. 1,2,3,4,5 Weightlifting: Back Squat 3×5 @ 65-75% WOD: For time – CAP 18 Minutes 60 cal row 50 wall balls 14/20 40 Toes to Bar 30 G2OH 55/75 20 Pull Ups

    Read More: WOD August 14, 2018 (Tuesday)
  • WOD August 13, 2018 (Monday)

    Warm-up: Snatch technique Weightlifting: Snatch 7 x 1 high pull +1 hang @ 60-70% WOD: 3 Rounds for Time 10 Alt DB Squat Cleans 35/50, 45/70 2 Rope Climbs Then 3 Rounds for Time 10 Dumbbell Front Lunges 10 Dumbbell Snatch to Overhead

    Read More: WOD August 13, 2018 (Monday)
  • WOD August 11, 2018 (Saturday)

    Hero WOD: Sanman 8 Rounds for Time 13 Deadlifts (185/125 lb) 17 Wall Balls (20/14 lb) 400 meter Run In summer 2018, a rescue mission in the treacherous confines of a flooded Tham Luang cave complex in Thailand saved all 12 boys and their soccer coach who were trapped deep within. It ended a grueling,…

    Read More: WOD August 11, 2018 (Saturday)
  • Body Spec August 11, 2018 (Saturday)

    Hey Everyone, Here’s a link if you’d like to sign up for the next DexaScan: Saturday, August 11 at 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM Crossfit One World & Self Defense – Krav Maga, Bootcamp, Gymnastics & Yoga 33415 Western Ave, Union City, California 94587   -Jen Thayer

    Read More: Body Spec August 11, 2018 (Saturday)


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