Month: September 2024

  • WOD September 6, 2019 (Friday)

    Weightlifting: Front Squat (6×3) 6xE2MOM 6 x 3 WK 1 5RM + 5-10lbs WOD: 16xEMOM Min 1: 200M Run Min 2: 10 DBx1 Box Step Overs 35/50 Rx+ 16xEMOM Min 1: 200M Run Min 2: 10 DBx2 Burpee Box Step Overs 35/50

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  • WOD September 5, 2019 (Thursday)

    Warm-up: 3 Rounds 3 Wall Walks 2 Turkesh Get Ups Each Side 5 Inch Worms Weightlifting: Hang Power Snatch (3 RM) 12 Min to establish 3 RM Work up to a heavy 3 rep touch and go WOD: 10 Min AMRAP 2, 4, 6, 8, 10… HSPU 10 American KBS 53/70 Rx+ 10 Min AMRAP…

    Read More: WOD September 5, 2019 (Thursday)
  • WOD September 4, 2019 (Wednesday)

    Warm-up: 6xEMOM Min 1: 3-5 Strict HSPU and 3-5 Strict Pull Ups Min 2: 100M Run Weightlifting: Hang Power Clean (3 RM ) 12 Min to establish 3 RM Work up to a heavy 3 rep touch and go WOD: 2 Rounds 4 Min AMRAP 30 DU 15 Pull Ups Then … 1000M Row Then……

    Read More: WOD September 4, 2019 (Wednesday)
  • WOD September 3, 2019 (Tuesday)

    Warm-up: Alt Tabata Push Ups Hollow Rock Weightlifting: Back Squat (6×5) 6xE2MOM 6 x 5 WK1 10RM + 5-10lbs WOD: 21-15-9 of each movement T2B DBx1 Hang Power Clean 35/50 DB Lateral Burpees Suggestion for splitting up the DB Hang Power Clean *11R/10L, 7R/8L, 5R/4L Rx+ 21-15-9 of each movement T2B DBx1 Hang Power Clean…

    Read More: WOD September 3, 2019 (Tuesday)
  • 2019 Labor Day Schedule

    One World Self Defense and Fitness Labor Day, September 2, 2019 Holiday Schedule Boot Camp 07:30am Class Only CrossFit 10:00am Class and 11:00am Class Open Gym will close at Noon All other classes cancelled Have a Wonderful Labor Day!

    Read More: 2019 Labor Day Schedule
  • WOD September 2, 2019 (Monday)

    WOD: Hotshots 19 6 Rounds for time of: 30 Squats 19 Power Cleans, 135# / 95# 7 Strict Pull-ups 400m Run

    Read More: WOD September 2, 2019 (Monday)
  • WOD August 30, 2019 (Friday)

    Weightlifting: Snatch (3 RM) 12 Min to establish 3 RM Work up to a heavy 3 rep touch and go WOD: For Time: 25 Min Cap 12-9-6 Alt DB Snatch Box Jump Overs 15-12-9 Alt DB Snatch HSPU 21-15-9 Alt DB Snatch DB Facing Burpee RX-35/50 RX+-50/70

    Read More: WOD August 30, 2019 (Friday)
  • WOD August 29, 2019 (Thursday)

    Gymnastics: Strict HSPU Work 3 Min to establish max set strict HSPU Then 5xEMOM 60% of Max Reps Strict HSPU Weightlifting: Deadlift (5 RM) 12 Min to establish 5 RM Work up to a heavy 5 rep touch and go WOD: 4xE4MOM 10 Devils Press 35/50 100M Sprint Max Reps C2B RX+ 4xE4MOM 10 Devils…

    Read More: WOD August 29, 2019 (Thursday)
  • WOD August 28, 2019 (Wednesday)

    Gymnastics: 5xEMOM 5-7 Strict Pull Ups *If 7 pull ups are easy, do weighted Weightlifting: Back Squat (6 x 5) 6xE2MOM 6 x 5 Last week’s 10RM + 5lbs WOD: 15 Min AMRAP 50 Ft DBx1 OH Walking Lunge 35/50* 40 Cal Row 30 WB 14/20 100 DU RX+ 15 Min AMRAP 50 Ft DBx1…

    Read More: WOD August 28, 2019 (Wednesday)
  • WOD August 27, 2019 (Tuesday)

    Capacity: 10x50M Sprint Rest :10 *Score is total time needed to complete exercise, including rest Weightlifting: Clean (3 RM Touch and Go) 12 Min to establish 3 RM Work up to a heavy 3 rep touch and go WOD: 4 RFT – Cap 20 Min 200M Run 20 Alt Pistols 20 S2OH 75/105

    Read More: WOD August 27, 2019 (Tuesday)


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