Month: September 2024

  • Oct 11th

    CrossFit One World – CrossFit Warm-up Optional Warm Up 2 Rounds :40 on / :20 off on each exercise – Flutter Kicks – Planch Press – Tap Crunches – Floor Thrusters with Knee Push-Up – Hollow to Arch Roll Weightlifting 10 Min EMOM 5 Pull Ups / Ring Row / Best Pulling Add Weight If…

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  • Oct. 10th

    CrossFit One World – CrossFit Skill Work 12 Min EMOM Odd: 1 Rope Climb / Work On getting familiar with technique Even: 5-7 Rep Handstand Push / Strict HSPU / Progression Rope Climb Handstand Push-ups Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 15 Min AMRAP 200 M Run 5 Devils Press 50/35 10 Toes to…

    Read More: Oct. 10th
  • Krav Maga and Strike Class

    Learn to protect yourself, boost your confidence, and develop mental strength and resilience through One World’s Krav Maga and Striking class. Classes are Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5:45pm-6:30pm and Saturdays at 10am. Membership is $99/month. *Members must provide their own gloves.

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  • ROCKKKKKK Beats Scissors lol

    CrossFit One World – CrossFit Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) Teams of TWO 20 Min EMOM One works/One Rest 20 Hang Power Clean 135/95 20 Push up 20 Box jump overs 24/20 20 V Ups 20 Goblet Squat 53/35

    Read More: ROCKKKKKK Beats Scissors lol
  • Oct 8th

    CrossFit One World – CrossFit Warm-up Optional Warm Up 2 Rounds :40 on / :20 off on each exercise – Flutter Kicks – Planche Press – Tap Crunches – Floor Thrusters with Knee Push-Up – Hollow to Arch Roll Weightlifting 12 MIn E2MOM 2 Hang Power Snatch 2 Over Head Squat 2 Snatches @75% 1…

    Read More: Oct 8th
  • Oct 7th

    CrossFit One World – CrossFit Warm-up Optional Warm Up 3 Rounds 30 on/:15 off – Rotating Planks – Sit-Up Slides – Crossbody Mountain Climbers – Sit Ups Strength 10 Min E2MOM Deadlift Set 1- 65% – 70% 5 Reps Set 2 70% – 75% 5 Rep Set 3 75% – 80% 3 Rep Set 4…

    Read More: Oct 7th
  • Oct 6th

    CrossFit One World – CrossFit Warm-up Optional Warm Ups 9 MIn AMRAP – 10 Burpees – 10 V-Ups – 10 Plank Walkouts – 10 Reach Thrus (each side Strength 10 MIN EMOM Odds/Even Odd: 6 Reps Bent Over Row Even: 6 Push Press @78% Of 1 RM Push Press Bent Over Row Don’t get mix…

    Read More: Oct 6th
  • Oct 5th

    CrossFit One World – CrossFit Warm-up Optional WARM UP 2 Rounds (10 Mins) :30 on / :30 off – Mountain Climbers – Hollow Hold – Plank Hold – Superman’s – Bent Knee Windshield Wipers Weightlifting 90 Sec for 10 Set (15 Min) 5 Back Squat @ Body Weight Plus 10 or 70 % Body Weight…

    Read More: Oct 5th
  • Oct 4th

    CrossFit One World – CrossFit Warm-up Optional Warm Up 3 Round 20on/ :10off Hollow Rocks Arch Rocks Rest 1:00 then 6 MIN AMRAP 6 Burpees 12 Reverse Crunches with a Twist (6 each) 18 Alternating Tuck Up (9 each) Strength 12 Min E2MOM 2 Clean Pulls 2 Hang Power Cleans 2 Jerks @78% of 1RM…

    Read More: Oct 4th
  • Respect the GODDESS

    CrossFit One World – CrossFit Weightlifting 12 Min EMOM 6 Bench Prress @70-75 of 1Rm Bench Press Metcon A: Metcon (Time) 10,9,8,7,,6,5,4,3,2,1 Goddess Maker 40/20 200m Run

    Read More: Respect the GODDESS


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  • CrossFit – Mon, Sep 23

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