Month: September 2024

  • Yoga September 10, 2014 (Wednesday)

    “Art is a spiritual transaction.” -Julia Cameron    

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  • WOD September 10, 2014 (Wednesday)

    Thanks for all the love coming in about the new look in the gym. We really appreciate everyone’s energy and vibe before, during, and after your workout. Great job with the toes to bar, swings, and double unders today! Here’s the workout for Wednesday September 10 2014   Tier 1, 2, and 3 Warm Up…

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  • WOD September 9, 2014 (Tuesday)

    Tier 1 5 x 5 Bench Press and then… *EMOM – 21 Minutes Minute 1 – 12 Knee Raise Minute 2 – 10 Russian KB Swings (pick weight) Minute 3 – Max Double Unders or Singles *Score is total Double Unders *Shoulder Mobility   Tier 2 5 Rep Max Bench Press and then… *EMOM –…

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    Boot Camp September 8, 2014 (Monday)

    Happy Birthday to Aaron Ledesma from the 8:00pm crew! Good job tonight everyone!

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  • WOD September 8, 2014 (Monday)

    Tier 1, 2, and 3 Clean + Push Press + Split Jerk 3@ 70%, 3@ 75% and 3 X 3@ 80% Back Squat 3 X 3@ 70% of 1rm squat Complete for time: 100 Burpees

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  • Gymnastics: Beat Swing

    The beat swing. It is a basic gymnastics movement. Gymnasts make it look so easy. It is not! The beat swing is the hollow body and arch positions on a bar or rings. It is a push and a pull. Push away from the bar on the arch and a pull on the hollow. Shoulder…

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  • Get DUNKED! September 17, 2014 (Wednesday)

    Please save the Day AND reserve your spot soon! Wednesday, September 17th, between 2:00 PM and 08:20 PM                       COME GET DUNKED!  Location: One World Self Defense & FitnessAddress: 33415 Western Avenue, Union City, California This is a very accurate and trustworthy for of body fat testing. You can also gain a better understanding of your…

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  • Oakland A’s Crossfit Day September 7, 2014 (Sunday)

    By Ronald Santiago Hey One Worlders!!!! I am organizing the Oakland Athletics CrossFit Day promotion for us One Worlders. I want One World Crossfit to represent at the A’s game!!!! So if I can get at least get 25 One Worlders to “buy in” to join me at the Oakland A’s “CrossFit Day” Sunday, Sept.…

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  • picnic

    One World Summer Picnic September 6, 2014 (Saturday)

    THE ONE WORLD SUMMER PICNIC is Saturday, September 6, 2014 at Noon!! The location is Lake Elizabeth, PICNIC Area “D” located near the water slide. This picnic is for all participants of CrossFit, Boot Camp, Yoga, Gymnastics, in-Motion, Krav Maga and Jiu-Jitsu. There will be a sign-up sheet at the front desk, so we can…

    Read More: One World Summer Picnic September 6, 2014 (Saturday)
  • Yoga: An excerpt from strangers

    Happy Friday, “You have to accept the fact that you are living alone – maybe in a crowd, but you are living alone; maybe with your wife, girlfriend, boyfriend, but they are alone in their aloneness, you are alone in your aloneness, and those alonenesses don´t touch each other, never touch each other…”-Osho, an excerpt…

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  • CrossFit – Thu, Sep 19

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