Month: September 2024

  • WOD June 8, 2018 (Friday)

    Capacity: EMOM 6 minutes of 10 Alternating DB Snatch 50#/35# 5 Burpees Weightlifting: Strict Press + Push Press Complex E2MOM 14 mins 3 Strict press + 3 Push Press @ 80% max strict press plus Push Press combination of X percentage of your MAX strict press WOD: Tumilson 8 Rounds For Time of: 200m Run…

    Read More: WOD June 8, 2018 (Friday)
  • WOD June 7, 2018 (Thursday)

    Skill Work: Tabata Hollow Rock – then Tabata Superman Weightlifting: Romanian Deadlift E2MOM 14 minutes of 5 RDLS at 40-45% of your 1 rep max Deadlift WOD: AMRAP in 20 Minutes 50 Calorie Row 35 Wall ball shots 20/14 lb 10/9′ rx+ 30/30 lbs 20 Power Clean 135/95 lb Today’s workout is a long duration…

    Read More: WOD June 7, 2018 (Thursday)
  • WOD June 6, 2018 (Wednesday)

    Skill Work: Tabata Burpee Box Jumps (AMRAP – Reps) Tabata Burpee Box Jumps 24/20″ rx+: 30″/24″. Your score will be total reps across all 8 rounds Weightlifting: Back Squat E2MOM 16 Mins 4 Back Squats at 75% of 1 rep max WOD: 4 rounds for max reps: 1 minute Power Snatches 115/75# rx+155/105 1 minute…

    Read More: WOD June 6, 2018 (Wednesday)
  • WOD June 5, 2018 (Tuesday)

    Skill Work: Tabata L-Sit Pull-ups Weightlifting: Power Snatch + OHS (EMOM 10 mins 1 Power Snatch + 1 OHS at 70%). We are going to work at 65-70% of our best Snatch for this EMOM, 1 Power Snatch + 1 Over Head Squat WOD: For time, CAP 21 minutes. With a running clock complete: 15-12-9…

    Read More: WOD June 5, 2018 (Tuesday)
  • WOD June 4, 2018 (Monday)

    Skill Work: Pistols EMOM 6 mins 5 Alternating pistols one each leg. Use a kettle bell as a counter balance if you are still progressing on this skill. Weightlifting: Bench Press E2MOM 12 mins 3 Bench press at 85% of 1 rep max WOD: Rankel – 20-Minute AMRAP of: 6 Deadlifts, 225#/155# 7 Burpee Pull-ups…

    Read More: WOD June 4, 2018 (Monday)
  • Olympic Weightfting Seminar

    Perfect your Olympic Weightlifting Snatch Technique and help support our Youth Weightlifting Team’s Trip to train in China this summer! The one and only @coachpapayats will be hosting a weightlifting seminar you don’t want to miss! Discover what Chinese coaches do differently! –Learn Chinese methods and progressions for the snatch –Receive physical and verbal cues…

    Read More: Olympic Weightfting Seminar
  • WOD June 1, 2018 (Friday)

    Skill Work: EMOM 6 mins 4 weighted pull ups. Weightlifting: Squat Cleans. E3MOM 12 Mins, work up to a new 2 rep max squat clean, it does NOT have to be touch and go, start at 85% of your max and add from there. WOD: 4 rounds for time: • 60 Double Unders • 15…

    Read More: WOD June 1, 2018 (Friday)
  • WOD May 31, 2018 (Thursday)

    Skill Work: Muscle-ups EMOM 6 Mins 2 Ring muscle ups Weightlifting: Push Press E3MOM 12 mins work up to a new 3 rep max push press, start at 85% of your 1 Rep Max WOD: AMRAP 12 Minutes 2-4-6-8-10….etc Ring Dips American Kettle Bell Swings 32/24 KG  

    Read More: WOD May 31, 2018 (Thursday)
  • WOD May 30, 2018 (Wednesday)

    Skill Work: Tabata Hand Stand Hold Weightlifting: Front Squat E3MOM 12 mins work up to a new 3 Rep Max Front Squat, start at 85% and work up! WOD:8 Minute AMRAP of: • 10 Sumo Deadlift High Pull 115/75# • 10 Toes to Bar

    Read More: WOD May 30, 2018 (Wednesday)
  • WOD May 29, 2018 (Tuesday)

    Core: Tabata Plank Holds/ Flutter Kicks Alternating Weightlifting: Deadlift E3MOM 12 mins, work up to a new 1 rep max deadlift, if you feel like you are not up for a new 1RM stick with 90% for 4 singles WOD: 2 Rounds For Time • 25 Row (calories) • 25 Burpees • 25 Deadlifts 115/75#…

    Read More: WOD May 29, 2018 (Tuesday)


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  • CrossFit – Mon, Sep 23

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